Friday, October 27, 2006

Feeling heavy

My children slept around with me last night, must remember not to get the boy to on the Pepsi as he was a terror to get to sleep but he eventually did. In the morning I was greeted by the news that I had to go and pay a bouncer down Zens a visit about coming back which hopefully won't mean me just being bored off as that would be a waste of a journey but least it will get my Friday night back.

Went Bluewater today on my day off with a view to getting my haircut and going circus, One out of two isn't bad and was going to treck to the circus after but both my children fell asleep so decided to take them home and when they woke they played with their toys.

I don't have many days off at work but today seemed to fly by, even my daughter kept asking if it was still morning and I obviously told her it was being on a wind up but when it started getting dark she was left scratching her head haha. My parents have pinned our Sky so when it gets late and they aren't around I basically can't watch anything. I so long to be an adult and grace pastures new haha !!