Today was the day of my Grandads burial so had a half day at work, the service was last week but his ashes were being put to rest today with my Nans. It was sad as it really felt like it was the end of an era. Everyone except one of my brothers from my family were there. His work wouldn't allow him to leave early which I thought was harsh but may it rest on his employers conscience. It was a short service by the grave, one of the Brothers I used to be an Altar Boy to (that's right when I was younger) said some prayers and a few words. After this my mum and her brother released some Doves to symbolise both my Nan and Grandad going to heaven. After this we went back to my mums for a bit and my brother who wasn't allowed the time off met up with us there.
Got my haircut as well today, think the transport system has issues with me, even if it doesn't I have issues with it haha. It always seems to make me late for one reason or another. Arrived at my appointment 30 minutes late but luckily I was able to get a later booked so went window shopping. Walking around I bumped into a friend who joined me on doing laps around Bluewater to pass the time. She was shopping for Christmas presents, wish I were more on it and organised with shopping for presents. As Christmas is traditional, I am being traditional as every year I leave it late and this year is no different so looking forward to the mad rush haha !!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Make mine a doughnut
Okay so no idea what the title has to do with the post but anyway moving on. Work is well busy at the moment and with new people starting and my direction at the company changing all the time it's hectic. Worked longer than usual today but I am happy as well want to push myself now to get some extra skills and show my worth. I'm finally getting the picture that work isn't just an extension of my social life but the main ingredient in getting all things ;

Holly: I mean, you know why she's marrying him, don't you?
Robbie: The money thing? Security? A nice house? I guess that's important to some people.
Holly: No, it's not important to some people, Robbie. It's important to ALL people.
Robbie: Really? Well, then I guess I'm in big trouble.
A quote from a wicked film The Wedding Singer, and I kind of feel like Robbie Hart from that film at the moment. Without the wedding and also a real lack of singing but in that to get anywhere you need money. I think I feel like this because it's near Christmas, I love Christmas but want to be able to buy everyone I know something of value to what they are worth to me and some people I consider priceless so what do I get them. Answers on a post card and you may be elevated onto this list haha. This seems to be spiraling and I'm not depressed by this but just so wish I would hit a run of luck. Be quality to win a large sum of money, this blog would be on it with stories then but as if that's likely going to happen. Would love to think up the next big internet concept, like the person who traded up a paperclip for a house or sold the advertising space to make a million. YouTube for example, what's next is anyone's guess but there's probably someone in a similar position to me now hunched over a PC under the stairs like me with that very idea and I would like to say I hate you haha.

I'll leave with some pictures of my children at school and I'm off now to dream of doughnuts !!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The hard way
Hahaha to everyone that has been lead to believe that I am in the league of being able to pull someone as high profile as the person in the picture below. I thank you as had a good laugh and my story about pulling her in Bouji's was a good mock up from reading celebrities adventures from the newspapers. I wouldn't mind being able to mingle with the people we read about but I think that a lot of them have forgotten where they came from. And also the reason they are where they are is due to people admiring them and looking up to them and buying into their success. Try not to step on them as we'll be there to the end we aren't judging like newspapers as that's an opinion and we make our own advances.

Lets go round again, ready to turn back the hands of time, unlikely but I am enjoying speaking to my childrens mum as I get loads more access to my children. Take tonight for instance, while she went Christmas shopping I came home from work and taught my children how to play pretend guitars while listening to Razorlight. I am well into them at the moment, and my favourite song from the album is 'Before I fall to Pieces'. My kids and me were proper jumping around and wearing all these beads around our necks. I had a right laugh as people always joke about dancing like your dad and my boy is already there as he moves just like me haha.
The downside of having a laugh is that when it's bed time it is a real mood killer. My daughter accepted that it was time to go to bed, where as my son threw the beads at the wall and yelled at me. Made me feel sad but later speaking to my mum she said it's probably out of frustration he responded like that as he knows I won't be there in the morning and he enjoys having fun. As he was upset I let my daughter stay up with me until he was settled and when their mum returned from shopping I spoke to her a bit and then took to walking my Green Mile home. Luckily enough my brother and girlfriend were outside their home and gave me a lift home, result. Going to bed now anyway as even though it's not really an early night, it is the earliest I have been to bed for a few days !!

Lets go round again, ready to turn back the hands of time, unlikely but I am enjoying speaking to my childrens mum as I get loads more access to my children. Take tonight for instance, while she went Christmas shopping I came home from work and taught my children how to play pretend guitars while listening to Razorlight. I am well into them at the moment, and my favourite song from the album is 'Before I fall to Pieces'. My kids and me were proper jumping around and wearing all these beads around our necks. I had a right laugh as people always joke about dancing like your dad and my boy is already there as he moves just like me haha.
The downside of having a laugh is that when it's bed time it is a real mood killer. My daughter accepted that it was time to go to bed, where as my son threw the beads at the wall and yelled at me. Made me feel sad but later speaking to my mum she said it's probably out of frustration he responded like that as he knows I won't be there in the morning and he enjoys having fun. As he was upset I let my daughter stay up with me until he was settled and when their mum returned from shopping I spoke to her a bit and then took to walking my Green Mile home. Luckily enough my brother and girlfriend were outside their home and gave me a lift home, result. Going to bed now anyway as even though it's not really an early night, it is the earliest I have been to bed for a few days !!
Monday, November 27, 2006
The mission...
Moving on and how quickly did the weekend pass by as can't believe it's back to work already. Yesterday I didn't do too much as just lazed around with the children as didn't have too much sleep having stayed at the Venue until the morning. I was woken up by my boy jumping on my head wanting me to play so had to get with it. He was wicked later though as the day was all about hugs and him and my daughter laid with me and watched the football. My daughter moved on swiftly but my boy stayed the whole first half before going downstairs. I followed as was feeling tense by this point as we were a goal down.

It was a well contested match and I proper enjoyed it as both teams had their chances. Saha opened the scoring with a well placed short that curled around both JT and Ricky (Carvalho) and beat Cudicini by the post. Chelsea were poor in the first half and I was pleased with the substitutions in the second half as it added a whole new dimension to our play. It wasn't long before Ricky pulled us level with a powerful header that from replays came off of Saha. Regardless it was deserved and I think that Chelsea could have nicked it at the end.
Had a drama start to the day, woke up and had a mission, shower wouldn't work properly so was rushed to leave, ran to the station and figured that I was on it to be in on time. Got to London Bridge and the tubes were messed up and when I got to work we were man down with my team as my colleague was off ill. Did alright though and although it was busier it wasn't like the other week. Anyway glad today is over as Monday's are tough, here's to Tuesday haha !!

It was a well contested match and I proper enjoyed it as both teams had their chances. Saha opened the scoring with a well placed short that curled around both JT and Ricky (Carvalho) and beat Cudicini by the post. Chelsea were poor in the first half and I was pleased with the substitutions in the second half as it added a whole new dimension to our play. It wasn't long before Ricky pulled us level with a powerful header that from replays came off of Saha. Regardless it was deserved and I think that Chelsea could have nicked it at the end.
Had a drama start to the day, woke up and had a mission, shower wouldn't work properly so was rushed to leave, ran to the station and figured that I was on it to be in on time. Got to London Bridge and the tubes were messed up and when I got to work we were man down with my team as my colleague was off ill. Did alright though and although it was busier it wasn't like the other week. Anyway glad today is over as Monday's are tough, here's to Tuesday haha !!
There was this one time at band camp

This is someone that I have recently started seeing apparently she is in a band that are meant to be going places. Not too sure whether she is telling the truth but in all honesty I will stand by her no matter as she is definitely the one haha. This picture was taken whilst shopping over Bluewater...
Sunday, November 26, 2006
It had to be done twice
I don't know what is up with my eyes in these pictures as I look like I have been drinking, had a well good night last night and I admit I had a few drinks. Journey home could have been better but I lost my crowd and ended up on the bus home getting proper jarred. Regardless of the journey home the night started in Zero Bar in Bexleyheath for a friends birthday. His birthday was last week but where he was in Brazil he is celebrating it now. There was a good turn out as well and everyone was laughing at my shoes, they said in a good way as they were bold. I think they look quality, black and white brogues are the way haha. Another group here were my childrens mum and her friends, they were in good spirits as well and were even considering coming to the Venue with us but blew it out to stay in Bexleyheath.

The title of this post says it all really as last week we had a wicked night at the Venue so we just had to go there again this week. We weren't disappointed either as walking out onto the Main Room we were greeted by Queen who were the act for the night and the Freddie Mercury figure was legend as he got well into it and had the place rocking. After having it out for a bit I got a text to go down to the basement floor where the girls were. They were in a vibing mood and were well on it to the tunes played in that room. Also ventured into the Indie room over the course of the night and all the floors there was a good atmosphere so just mixed it up from floor to floor over the night.

As the night wore on I was getting calls and messages and tried to respond to them by making a call by the entrance to the club. I was stopped here by the bouncers who told me that I was damaging the reputation of the club due to me wearing my trousers too low. Admitedly I was wearing a belt and braces and they were still almost sitting under my bum but to pick me up on it was comical. He then lifted my Jeans up and put the braces over my shoulder and told me to go back into the club. I turned and obeyed as didn't want to end up outside on my own, in walking down the stairs I sorted out my clothing again returning the braces to my side and putting my Jeans where I wanted them and got to moving on the dance floor again.

The title of this post says it all really as last week we had a wicked night at the Venue so we just had to go there again this week. We weren't disappointed either as walking out onto the Main Room we were greeted by Queen who were the act for the night and the Freddie Mercury figure was legend as he got well into it and had the place rocking. After having it out for a bit I got a text to go down to the basement floor where the girls were. They were in a vibing mood and were well on it to the tunes played in that room. Also ventured into the Indie room over the course of the night and all the floors there was a good atmosphere so just mixed it up from floor to floor over the night.

As the night wore on I was getting calls and messages and tried to respond to them by making a call by the entrance to the club. I was stopped here by the bouncers who told me that I was damaging the reputation of the club due to me wearing my trousers too low. Admitedly I was wearing a belt and braces and they were still almost sitting under my bum but to pick me up on it was comical. He then lifted my Jeans up and put the braces over my shoulder and told me to go back into the club. I turned and obeyed as didn't want to end up outside on my own, in walking down the stairs I sorted out my clothing again returning the braces to my side and putting my Jeans where I wanted them and got to moving on the dance floor again.

Ended up losing everyone by the end of the night anyway, not sure where everyone went but I got a bus home and apart from a bumpy journey I managed to get home fine. Had a few hours sleep then I was up with the children who were in play mode so no time to rest... Edit : Got this picture of us on the Venue website, wicked photo I look well shifty hahaha...
Saturday, November 25, 2006
More shoes
After a chilled night yesterday the plan was to get on it, was late home in the morning to have my children but unlike before there was no argument which was good. We even spoke about our plans for the evening and we mentioned meeting up at some point over the night. Had to go and get that pair of shoes I was after earlier in the week today. The offer was buy one pair and get the other half price, I was lucky they allowed me to get the second pair half price a few days later, result. Also picked up some braces today and a scarf, you know I am reading too much into fashion. It was alright over Bluewater and had a laugh getting my boy to try on some wigs from the store models haha.
Over the course of the day I spoke to a few of my friends and the plans for tonight are looking good. It's another birthday and it looks likely that we will be meeting at Zero Bar and then everyone moving on from there. Should be a good night, well feeling Venue again as a few of the girls are going there for their cousins birthday !!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Decisions, decisons
Work was okay today, had my PDP to go through and it seemed to go well as the outlook was good. Today was full of decisions in regards to Friday night, so much seemed to be going on but no one was out. My friends were either graduating, Zens, house party, boat party and even shooting. The last one scares me as well but it's all good as he has a license, having a license to kill does sound impressive and I would definitely put that on my CV. Anyway with my friends all off the scene and other people wanting to meet up I decided I didn't want to go and meet up with other groups as an individual just in case I got left on my own and forgotten about. Was also not sure whether to be out Friday or Saturday and didn't want to mess with my childrens mums plans either. It all seemed to work out for the best in the end though. I decided that it was all about going to have a drink with the girls and chill out for the night. Saturday would be the one as it's my friends birthday and he has just returned from Brazil so hopefully he will be full of Samba !!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Suddenly everything is right, huh ??
My Grandads funeral went well yesterday, it was a sad day and hard seeing my family upset. The service was good and the music played was really touching as they were songs my Grandad used to listen to. After the church we went back to my mums for the wake where we had a good celebration of his life and credit to the caterers as they did a great job with their preperation. All in all it was a day that was difficult but it was good to see everyone coming together to remember what a great man my Grandad was !!

Had a blog update today so now I log in with Google and I am able to add labels to my posts. When I have a chance I will go through and add these down the right hand column for quick viewing. I want to go for something similar to how Major Nelson has his blog as I love the Community Server set up as it is FIT haha. My colleague who I sit next to at work is moving to our other offices tomorrow, well screwing as I enjoy his company and a downer to see him move on. His going to be back at the end of each day but still I enjoy the banter we have, me trying it on with him to wind him up and his knowledgeable stories. Life goes on though and it's not as though he is disappearing as he is only down the road. Got paid today finally and my brain failed and I forgot my bank pin. How screwing as I wanted to get some shoes, my manager was a legend though as she lent me the money until tomorrow. Had a good laugh over Bluewater where we went to check for shoes as I was in good company. Was still a little short to take advantage of buy one get one half price offer but regardless of that got one pair and had a mooch about and checked a few stores. Weekend starts tomorrow and not sure what the plans are at the moment. Uncertainty surrounds everyone on what to do and as I am feeling over so confused I'll end with a Paulo Nutini video as a tribute to my shoes...

Had a blog update today so now I log in with Google and I am able to add labels to my posts. When I have a chance I will go through and add these down the right hand column for quick viewing. I want to go for something similar to how Major Nelson has his blog as I love the Community Server set up as it is FIT haha. My colleague who I sit next to at work is moving to our other offices tomorrow, well screwing as I enjoy his company and a downer to see him move on. His going to be back at the end of each day but still I enjoy the banter we have, me trying it on with him to wind him up and his knowledgeable stories. Life goes on though and it's not as though he is disappearing as he is only down the road. Got paid today finally and my brain failed and I forgot my bank pin. How screwing as I wanted to get some shoes, my manager was a legend though as she lent me the money until tomorrow. Had a good laugh over Bluewater where we went to check for shoes as I was in good company. Was still a little short to take advantage of buy one get one half price offer but regardless of that got one pair and had a mooch about and checked a few stores. Weekend starts tomorrow and not sure what the plans are at the moment. Uncertainty surrounds everyone on what to do and as I am feeling over so confused I'll end with a Paulo Nutini video as a tribute to my shoes...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
One year on...
One year ago today I was in America for the launch of the Xbox 360 console, this was in the Mojave Desert at Zero Hour and it was a wicked event. I was able to go to this as I was invited by Microsoft to attend and they didn't hold back either as it was a well organised event. I was well nervous as due to coming from England there were a few crews that wanted to interview me. Now this didn't always go too well as the first one I had I was told to stand in front of these hangar doors and act hyped. I queried who this footage was going out to and they said the whole country I was like 'huh..........' And well got the nerves 'Hi... my name is... Joe... and... er... I...' -take two etc.

After a few attempts they got what they wanted and after a few interviews I got with the form as well 'Hi your with Joe, reporting live from the Xbox 360 launch event and I am totally hyped...' Okay so I wasn't really with it that much as we were on it with the drinks there and I got to meet legends like J Allard, Peter Moore and Larry Hybb. Also got to mix it up with the girls there, they love the accent over there and you only have to walk passed and they literally grab you haha. Met some good people over there and rocked with some fellas from Compton, yes Compton and they were quality. They called me 'England' and I still get messages from them now checking to see how I am doing. I have provided a clip below of me at the event and although you have to wait until the end to see me you get to see me in interview mode haha. Anyway one year on and today I am getting ready for my grandads funeral and helping out finalising everything here.

After a few attempts they got what they wanted and after a few interviews I got with the form as well 'Hi your with Joe, reporting live from the Xbox 360 launch event and I am totally hyped...' Okay so I wasn't really with it that much as we were on it with the drinks there and I got to meet legends like J Allard, Peter Moore and Larry Hybb. Also got to mix it up with the girls there, they love the accent over there and you only have to walk passed and they literally grab you haha. Met some good people over there and rocked with some fellas from Compton, yes Compton and they were quality. They called me 'England' and I still get messages from them now checking to see how I am doing. I have provided a clip below of me at the event and although you have to wait until the end to see me you get to see me in interview mode haha. Anyway one year on and today I am getting ready for my grandads funeral and helping out finalising everything here.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Back in the game
Yesterday at work was busy but today was even busier, still playing catch up from the weekend with my blog as it was down for most of yesterday and today. At work didn't get much chance to look into the coding although I realised from the template what was up as half the page was missing. With some help from my friend Scott James and also using a source code I was able to get it up and running this evening. Anyway work was well on it today as we did loads of work with calling back all the customers and explaining to them the situation. Met my friend at Charing Cross on the way home and had an eventful journey with him and his girlfriend.

After that it was a cold walk home from the station and then before jumping onto the PC I set about creating a floral decoration. This is for my Grandad's funeral and although I have never done this before I am well impressed with what I have put together. My mum has created one that looks well professional and I don't think that I will surpass her effort but still check me out I am making moves. I have added two pictures above, of both of our reefs, mine is the second image and my mums professional looking one is the first. When me and my mother retire you know we are going to set up a business together. Feeling sad for tomorrow as it's going to be an emotional day so fingers crossed it all goes well. Anyway I will leave you with the below audio from a site just linked to me by my friend that is well worth listening to...
Follow me...

After that it was a cold walk home from the station and then before jumping onto the PC I set about creating a floral decoration. This is for my Grandad's funeral and although I have never done this before I am well impressed with what I have put together. My mum has created one that looks well professional and I don't think that I will surpass her effort but still check me out I am making moves. I have added two pictures above, of both of our reefs, mine is the second image and my mums professional looking one is the first. When me and my mother retire you know we are going to set up a business together. Feeling sad for tomorrow as it's going to be an emotional day so fingers crossed it all goes well. Anyway I will leave you with the below audio from a site just linked to me by my friend that is well worth listening to...
Follow me...
Monday, November 20, 2006
Self destruct

Monday was a very hectic day as over the weekend the servers that hold my companies customers underwent migration to a higher capacity which wasn't too successful. So as with any 'mess up' the customers were not very happy with the outcome and so today was a heated one. I also made an Eeek by somehow uploading my blog wrongly and it messed up the coding of the page. I know this as I type from the future to update on the days events haha. No real events Monday other than coming home and getting on Viva Pinata. I rate Gears of War as one of the best games I have played in a long time both visually and the action is wicked but... Viva Pinata is like digital crack at the moment. I find myself trying to coax animals into my garden and feed them to try and make them evolve into other species or just so that they will 'romance'. Yes I am getting well into this and still can't understand why Squirrels aren't attracted to my garden as I have beautiful trees and you must come and see the lights Ahhhh !!

Sunday, November 19, 2006
This is how we do it...
I have to be the longest person ever to get ready, after travelling home on the train and rushing about to get ready I finally made it to the pub with minutes to spare before we headed off on the train. We all stopped at the off license before travelling and I got myself some vodka to get myself well on the pace. Train journey was quite quick and after a quick posing photo opportunity on the train it was off to see the wonderful wizard of New Cross. Haven't been Venue in about six months so was well up for having a good night and wasn't disappointed..

Didn't really stay in the main room much as for me it's all about the Indie room and it was for everyone else as well so we got proper on it. Jumped about and busted some moves and interacted with a few people. Had a well comical night that carried on through the morning as well. Looking forward to going to the Venue again as it was good and made a change from the usual haunts.

Ended up going to the park later in the day and they have changed the whole set up of the park we went to so it was like going to a whole new park haha. My friend came around in the afternoon and we all went together and played on the swings, slides etc. Some parents stay rooted to the spot and come across so boring but me and my friend were running and jumping around and so much that at some stages I reckon we enjoyed it more than the children haha !!

Didn't really stay in the main room much as for me it's all about the Indie room and it was for everyone else as well so we got proper on it. Jumped about and busted some moves and interacted with a few people. Had a well comical night that carried on through the morning as well. Looking forward to going to the Venue again as it was good and made a change from the usual haunts.

Ended up going to the park later in the day and they have changed the whole set up of the park we went to so it was like going to a whole new park haha. My friend came around in the afternoon and we all went together and played on the swings, slides etc. Some parents stay rooted to the spot and come across so boring but me and my friend were running and jumping around and so much that at some stages I reckon we enjoyed it more than the children haha !!

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