Wednesday, November 15, 2006


It's hard to keep up with technology developments at the moment, there is loads going on and a lot happening as well in terms of new releases and products hitting stores. Santa is going to be a very busy man this Christmas, I for one hope that he has deep pockets as there is so much I would like but it would probably be in excess of a five figure sum haha. I am going to update the right hand side with a links section that way anyone interested can have access to the sites that I follow.

Was met after work today by the children and their mum as I was invited around to play. My children are wicked and had a laugh with them while they picked up their McDonalds. My daughter insists that she is moving to America soon as they have great sand to make castles. Children are quality, if only if it were all about sand and making castles. I explained to her that it was never going to work and that American's eat loads more than us so she would become huge. I then started with the McDonalds worker telling her that we wanted American food in my best attempt at an accent haha. My daughter was in stitches and my boy pledged to the cause saying that he would never leave me and wanted to stay with me. Legend !! Once back to their house I got on it with the homework and their mum then wanted me to calm it down a little as they had to go to bed. After reading with them and laying by their side and chatting while they were in bed I was off into the night and now settled in to the same position as last night. In front of the PC and Xbox 360, on the game I got and chatting to my mate about whats been happening at that it's almost playtime for adults - the weekend !!