Work was different today, the tides are changing and I am a teacher now haha. Yeah right, I am the master teaching my padawan like in Star Wars. Going to take me a while to perfect the teachings of what I do but the new starter at my work made me feel special as he was taking notes and following what I was doing and asking questions which made me feel important. Hopefully I can get him up to speed quickily as be useful for me as the workload has picked up considerably since my colleague has stepped up to take over management of the floor while the other managers are on maternity. See more pregnanacy issues going down.
After work I went shopping with my friend, was kind of worried that there would be no parking but there was loads of free spaces. I was well hungry and she made me starve, I am messing she didn't really as we just shopped it up and checked out quite a few stores. They had a well novel chocolate fountain where you put your chocolate kebabs underneath and have something very chocolatie I guess. She just had to get some presents, where I was on the prowl for more ideas. I am quite glad in some ways that I don't have a credit card at the moment as I would be on it getting my children so much stuff as I have seen loads of things. We tried on a few things, I even got on it with the make-up but in all honesty what I put on me looked like scars around my eyes haha. After shopping we headed home and at the top of my road there is this proper random Christmas display that was well funny. Santa was waving at us so we had to share the love, not sure what was up with my camera and pictures in the dark but here is one from my phone and one from hers haha !!