Saturday, December 23, 2006

The murk before Christmas

Last night was a funny night although there wasn't really a fairy tale ending. It was good though and well loving shots at the moment as they put me out of the game. There's a good momentum building for Christmas and I am well in the mood. After the usual dancing and laughing I went in search of new friends but returned to find the people I was with had gone. I figured that they wouldn't be too far off though but when I eventually got hold of them they had left me. Tried to get a lift home with some other people that I know but that didn't work either so even with it being freezing cold I decided to walk. Wrong move and eventually had to SOS for the family hero to come and save me from certain doom haha.
Anyway recovery time was short lived as got an early call that my father was on his way to me. I don't see him too much which is my fault really as I am not too mobile since I don't have a car or a license at that. Note to self to get one soon. It was good to see him and I know that you read this and I hope to see you more in the new year. After this meeting I moved on to shopping with some girl friends and had a good day out. I love that children get embarrassed when you mention to them girlfriends/boyfriends and messing aboiut with my son he was well getting his back up at me winding him up. Still a few things to get but I'm getting there with the shopping !!