Don't know how much to read into the press lately but it seems we have drawn a couple of games and the knives are well and truly out. Big story this week seems to be that our manager is on his way out. According to the reports Jose Mourinho has had enough and it's a case of too many cooks spoil the broth. Not sure what to believe but if he goes it will be sad as players and personnel can be replaced but there is only one Mourinho. He is definitely something else and his whole character gives us that air of invincibility, the arrogance that the fans love and the quality that he brings. We will only really find out at the end of the season what the situation is with him. Look at Porto as he practically walked away from them when they won the Champions League. Anyway no one person makes a football club but he is a large jigsaw piece at Chelsea and it will be a shame if he leaves...