Today was definitely a day to forget as there wasn't much that went right. I think I will file this day under the catagory of disaster haha. It didn't start that badly as we had a fairly decent start but the weather wasn't our friend but we weren't going to let that hold us back. With my daughters swimming not until five we figured we could fit in a few hours of shopping over Bluewater. Cue the drama beginning as had to wait an absolute age for the bus which is a normality but in the rain and cold it's tough. We had to stop for a bus change and something to eat and then it was more waiting in the cold. Followed by the longest bus journey ever...
Eventually we made it to Bluewater and the quest was for new shoes. Although there were some that I liked in Office I felt all bothered in there as Bluewater was packed and just weren't feeling it. After this we mooched about looking in stores and I picked up a new swim costume for my daughter and also some bits and pieces for the baby. The time flew by though and after the long journey it seemed like we weren't over Bluewater that long before we had to head off. It was all against the time so was well annoying and eventually had to call my childrens mother to intervene and take my daughter swimming as ran out of time. This gutted me out a bit as I felt like I failed her but the roads were a nightmare.
Eventually reaching Bexleyheath we jumped on the first bus that took us closer to home. We both had a brief nap here haha. After reaching our closer to home destination I quickly went to a shop to get us some drinks leaving my girl with some bus money in case our final bus came in the mean time. This is where the God's must have been laughing at us as my girl got the bus and I watched it drive away but it was the wrong one which neither of us realised. In the mean time I had something take over my physical thinking, making me feel like I was the stamina kid. I thought that I would be able to outrun the bus by running across the motorway and across a field to catch the bus on the otherside. Did it work...
No way I got well lost and my girls phone ran out of battery meaning I couldn't find out where she was. I got well drenched running across the field and was scared half to death my a pheasant jumping out on me. My mum called and I went through the sympathy call but managed to luck out and hit a road I recognised. Eventually I got to my girls still oblivious to the fact she was on the wrong bus. I couldn't get in so figured she was at the shops. Went there, no joy! On the way back to hers I got a call and she had been around the world. Eventually ending up at a point where she was drenched and a couple gave her a lift home. We were not having a good day but at least we have each other !!!!!!