Today was kind of like an experimental one, the day was set to be about my mums barbecue to celebrate her birthday. Yesterday my girl sold her Bugaboo buggy and me being a helpful guy said that I would help the lady load up her car. Now here is where the mishap occurred, in my own world and laughing inside at the expression of the buyer and her mothers faces at me and my girls large family I made a boo and it bugged. I loaded the car seat into the car, meaning that not only do I lose three in my car abduction but now I give away another. Didn't go down well, like swallowing a marble, maybe even a bowling ball. Anyway I headed off to my parents with my children three people down if you include our hairy midget child. It was alright at my mums but I had a lot of pleading for forgiveness to go through and luckily it looks like we will be able to get the car seat back. Just that it being in Essex is going to be a chore to retrieve. Oh well!!