After I finished work yesterday I quickly said goodbye to the person leaving on the Friday and rushed home to meet up with my girl to head out. Destination was going to be Chislehurst but after we got to the bottom of the road that changed to Bexleyheath. We travelled there in style with our Oyster cards and smiles. Busing is the way and our journey was peaceful and Harps could have been playing but all the strings broke when these loud guys got on. They were huge as well and I am sure that four of me would have equalled one of me. Anyway they proceeded to shout and 'bond' with each other. So from Harps the mood had gone to trumpets, thanks guys. Anyway after chatting to a young boy about swearing their attention turned to me and my girl. I need to start wearing long sleeves as they were drooling over my tattoos and trying to get in my pants. They left at this point and they all shook my hands and once off the bus let out a battle cry. Right back at you guys, you rule!!
We hit Bexleyheath and it didn't know what hit it! We moved into one bar and I was impressed with the scanning equipment they used to register I was in the pub. I managed to see from the read out that my sister was there as well so after a quiet drink with my girl we hooked up with her and a friend. According to my sister she wasn't really drunk but being ten times louder than the speakers I think she may have been telling a porky!
Our group then switched pubs, from the loudness we checked into the quiet pub over the road. We had enjoyed a few cocktails at this point and were in good spirits and after a few drinks we headed to OHM to see what was going down and to see if we could cut some shapes on the dance floor. I don't mind it here but it's always the same people there, no matter what day you go. Okay this may be a good thing but it's like the same night being lived over again. Me and my girl sat ourselves down out the way and got to singing. I think that the highlight was clucking to Snoop Dog's and Pharrell's song. If you think you can rival our clucking step right up we are masters.
We didn't hang around that long and although we considered going to Zens I figured that an expensive cab journey home would put a dampener on the night so we headed off to dream about meeting up with Snoop and Pharrell to assist them in any remixes they may have in the pipeline!!