Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Make it a double

My daughter started back at school today, spoke to her briefly in the morning to wish her luck. My son starts back tomorrow and over the next few weeks there will be a steady build up to him going for a full day. Makes me sad that my children are no longer babies anymore. Well they will always be my babies but they are not really little people anymore. They both have characters and strong opinions and I have no doubt that given a few years they will know a lot more than me.

Tonight we had some friends over and although my start to the evening was trying to explain what DVD's were available to rent. Eventually Pursuit of Happiness was chosen and I picked it up from Blockbusters. We chatted and had a Chinese meal through the majority of the movie but from what I picked up Will Smith's character is very much like mine only under different circumstances. One of my girls friends invited her prospective partner over and it felt kind of strange being in this situation. Mainly because I was once the prospective partner who had to be introduced to everyone. Difference with my meeting was that it was also the first impression with my girl. This guy was already familiar to a few of her friends. I think he was a decent fella, and he made a good impression. Unlike me from back in January as I later learnt that all her friends thought I was odd and that I was gay. Way it go Joe!!