Sunday, May 04, 2008

The MicroHoo just isn't going through!

Yahoo! Inc.Image via WikipediaSounds like something from Dr. Seuss, although this couldn't be further from Seussville as this story comes from One Microsoft Way. After three months of trying to buy Yahoo, Microsoft has dropped it's interest in the company and thus ends the MicroHoo. It was expected to be a fanfare, a celebration of two companies coming together to challenge Google's dominance. Instead of the full orchestra coming together we didn't even get the cymbals pounding at the ultimatum. We just got the lone bugle playing quietly in the distance as that is how the curtain came down on this. Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer ended it with a letter to Yahoo chief executive Jerry Yang formally withdrawing the offer.

Microsoft had raised their offer from $44bn to $47.5bn ($33 a share), this fell way short of Yahoo's estimation of at least $53bn and that's the end of it. Google is the biggest winner from this and to quote BBC blog -
Google played a blinder, Yahoo was more adept in defence than in previous games, and Microsoft bottled it in front of goal. Will there be a rematch, I am sure we will know soon enough!!