Went to our friends babies Christening today, the iPhone proving to be invaluable as I had no idea where we were going but the iPhone map showed us the way. Great feature as it not only shows you the start and finish but also shows your position on the map. Also by switching to satellite you can see the roads as they are from above, Hybrid takes it a step further by adding in the road names. All that was missing was the annoying voice informing me where/when I should turn next!
The Christening went really well, we found ourselves starting off sitting with the wrong family but it was all good until I started singing. I was trying to feel the whole atmosphere and I felt that I was very angelic but the laughing was a real confidence blow! I had to occupy Baby up at the back of the Church in the children's area as she was getting restless and we read about David and the Lions. It wasn't long until imaginations were running wild and we were trying to figure out where the Lions were in the Church.
After the Christening we headed over to the party, a really nice spread was laid on and it was very enjoyable. I followed the Formula 1 on my phone and although it wasn't the same as watching the race it was great to see the events unfold and Lewis was unlucky in the end and it was a shame that the expected rain didn't hit as it had done so last week. We later played the game from Friend's where we throw a ball to each other without dropping. This worked until the children at the party got involved and then we ended up playing the weirdest game of charades ever. Believe me I am scarred!! After the party we headed home to relax and I have now come home to sort out my MOT as just found out I am a month late. There goes my record of being forward thinking and maintained...