My children aren't too well at the moment, my son has been under the weather since Friday and my daughter is also poorly as well now. Both were with me over the weekend and made a valiant effort to keep it together as they weren't firing on all cylinders. Saturday my son wasn't up for football but my daughter with all of her new horse riding attire from her birthday - consisting of brushes and a whip - was chomping at the bit to get into the action. She really enjoyed it as well, waiting for the opportunity to use the whip and it wasn't until the end when the time arose and she ceased the moment. Looking all proud that she had passed another milestone that she had set herself.
After that action we had a fairly low key weekend, I didn't want to commit to anything that they would lose interest in due to feeling poorly so stayed at home. Today I learnt that they are both off school as they weren't feeling well enough to attend. Speaking to my daughter on her phone this evening she said that they are still feeling rough so probably won't be going back until Wednesday.
I was learning about programming language from a book that my colleague provided me with last night, finished around eleven due to Fight Club being on television. Obviously infinitely more important! Continuing on from reading about programming, today at work I put what I had learnt into practise and also tried to get an understanding of binary and hexadecimal. I created a basic email form in HTML/PHP to escalate issues to our technical department. It's difficult to allocate time at work to commit to building up my education as there is always something that takes priority but it's likely to slow down for Christmas which should free up my time!