Facebook is a trusted name on the Internet so combining the two services I hope will lead to more interaction and grow traffic here. The integration allows for Facebook Connect login through Disqus to comment and hopefully to also publish activity to the newsfeed. The Disqus team rolled out the functionality just before Christmas but I am only just getting to write about it now as it's been a hectic few days.
If you are developing an application for the purpose of Facebook Connect login for Disqus, note that you will need your API Key and Secret Key as well as entering the Callback URL as http://disqus.com (without the www's) when creating your application.
Many developers were under the impression that the cross domain receiver file must exist on the third-party’s website. Apparently Facebook changed the policy -
Disqus instructs users to simply enter disqus.com as the callback URL when configuring a new application. That means that site owners aren’t actually required to upload a cross-domain receiver to their site. [Source]Thanks to the intelligent development teams behind the scenes that have made this possible as I appreciate your hard work that has made it possible for my site to move closer to where I want it to be! Merry Christmas :)