Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Recession or Depression ?Image by Felice de Sena Micheli via FlickrThe economic downturn has really had an impact everywhere, spreading like wildfire fiercely sweeping through the different business sectors. My company is no different, traditionally discussions about direction and predictions for the the year bring optimism, not this year! I'm feeling nervous about the changes in strategy and we're only in the first week of January!

I'm not the only one concerned either as I see this etched across many faces, people are worried about losing their jobs. With unemployment on the increase and no likely reverse for some time, there's a competitive market trying to climb the employment ladder! I'm not confident going up against graduates and people with highly skilled backgrounds. I know this is the worst case scenario but nonetheless this is very real!

What are your feelings, are you worried about 2009?

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