It looks like they are at it again if you check out the recently uploaded instructional video posted by Facebook. A popular feature within Friendfeed is the ability to Like an imported item, in the Facebook video you can clearly see on an entry from Ronnie the option to Like -

Although this is likely for test environment purposes, if made available to the Facebook population I believe it would be well received. As stated by Steven Musil of CNet 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery' and Facebook are clearly watching with interest as Friendfeed innovates the way we aggregate/regulate the information we share. Nick O'Neil from AllFacebook also comments on the potential of Facebook Connect -
It’s interesting to see Facebook duplicating some of the features provided by FriendFeed as they strive to continue working toward becoming the largest site for sharing information. While you can’t currently share all of your information via FriendFeed, you’ll soon potentially be able to share more information via Facebook if Facebook Connect can obtain a large enough reach! [Source]I - Like - this development and I'm sure that it will only further the way we discover new information and interact with friends. Facebook Connect which finished runner-up in the Best Technology Innovation/Achievement catagory at the Crunchies does have massive potential. If widely adopted as expected then it's going to generate a lot more noise on the Facebook newsfeed. Maybe next Facebook should consider a - Best of day - especially as it's already a feature proving to be popular on Friendfeed :)
Let me know what you think, would you be interested in this feature?