Image by joedawson via Flickr
This evening I played football in the garden with my son and as usual I let him win - although I will have to start lying about that soon - he is full of energy and pushes himself hard. I never really had the kind of relationship where I would play sports with my father when I was a child.The introduction of Sky Sports to the masses has really excelled the interest in football to the extent that it's impossible not to follow.
The fondest memory I have as a child featuring my father is when I was entered into a swimming competition at Riverside Baths in Erith. My father attended and as the race started I saw him positioned in the top tier. The event was backstroke so he was visible through the whole race and it gave me the motivation to really push towards the finish. I won the race but it was just a factor that day as making my father proud was what mattered.
My children make me proud all the time but I do wonder what will be the defining moment that they will cherish most when when they are older. Need to start taking them swimming I reckon :)