Image by joedawson via Flickr
December Disqus integrated with Facebook Connect providing another form of distribution for blogs/comments by sending activity back to the newsfeed. Now the service has released a new feature for publishers: Twitter Sign-in -
Disqus makes use of Twitter’s OAuth support to securely authenticate without sharing any passwords. Similarly to our support for Facebook Connect, Twitter Sign-in makes it easier and quicker for people to jump into a discussion. To enable Twitter Sign-in, publishers should proceed to Admin/Settings and enable the feature under Options. [Source]For commenters, just look for the Twitter Sign-in button on sites that have this enabled. If you already have a Disqus Profile, add Twitter in your account/services to be able to tweet comments with every comment. You can also assign a Twitter account to your site’s settings, which will be @included in the tweet that commenters send out from your site. What's frustrating is that the Twitter account for 'JoeBlogs' already exists, and hasn't updated since 3rd October 2008 so - for now anyway - your comments will be sent to @joedawson directly!