Image by State Library of New South Wales collection via Flickr
And all the men and women merely players..
All the world's a stage is the phrase that begins a famous monologue from William Shakespeare's As You Like It. The world being a stage couldn't couldn't be more relevant in the age of socialised media, real time and the stream! Everyone has the potential to break news, go viral and be noticed largely due to the popularity of microblogging services.
Microblogging is the posting of brief text based messages, referred to as the statusphere - the state of publishing, reading, responding to, and sharing micro-sized updates! What are you doing? Unlike blogging anyone can publish a short message outlining what they're currently doing, what's on their mind or share content with their followers! Social networks have provided an outlet for everyone to be heard, through microblogging we're all journalists/micro-journalists, filtering what we find relevent and sharing with our communities.
Can the Statusphere save journalism? Maybe, but just as the Friendfeed and Twitter services compliment each other, journalists scrambling to integrate social technologies and platforms to spur readership volume and interactivity need to also interact with their readers!
Personality + Insight + Promotion + Interaction = Visibility and Community..Being relevent, building a valuable community, representing your content and communication we're all familiar with through our social networks. People that aren't necessarily trained journalists are becoming experts in certain niche topics. Attention is precious and the real time culture sets the stage for micro journalism to become the primary method of content delivery and breaking news!
Content becomes a social object that inspires communication and action