Image by kirainet via Flickr
This week is a key moment in Google’s life. It is being challenged by a change in the ecosystem. We’ve seen this happen with other companies before...Google co-founder Larry Page recently stated that real time search is something the company has to do from the Google Zeitgeist conference in Hertfordshire, UK.
"I have always thought we needed to index the web every second to allow real time search. At first, my team laughed and did not believe me. Now they know they have to do it. Not everybody needs sub-second indexing but people are getting pretty excited about realtime." [Source]The shift towards real time, and the stream, has definitely got the blogosphere excited, especially with Google announcing there intentions and acknowledging the hard unsolved problems in search; finding the most recent information, expressing that you want just one type of result, assessing which results are best, knowing what you’re looking for and expressing your searches in keywords. The company are in a strong position to dominate the social web and through Google Apps, Google Friend Connect, Android and Search they are making collaborative computing more accessible!
I'm looking forward to developments from the conference and will provide details on anything that I feel is significant..