Image by lrargerich via Flickr
It's hard to predict what's on the horizon but these are definitely exciting times. Being connected provides constant access to the stories and developments that I follow, the ability to contribute to discussion with friends and networked associates and a resource to assist in the digital age. I find transparency important although I acknowledge that I need to be responsible especially where my children are concerned.
Over the last year I have introduced tighter measures to protect them online but I'm a proud parent so they still get exposure. Yesterday I took the day off work to attend my son's annual school trip but frustratingly I was unable to participate as many parents also expressed interest. At least I got to collect them from school though which was great as it's not often that I'm able to do so due to the hours I work. Also took my daughter to the opticians for a routine check and although she has been wearing glasses the optician informed that she doesn't require them any longer as her sight is fine. I think secretly though she actually enjoys wearing them!