Image by Vanessa Pike-Russell via Flickr
Evan Williams, the company CEO of Twitter, declared that he was "Having a bad night" and Michael Arrington announced that he had managed to obtain (In Our Inbox:) Hundreds Of Confidential Twitter Documents. There have been so many problems and security breaches over the past couple of months that it’s becoming ridiculous. That a company with so much potential continually finds themselves under the spotlight for negative reasons. Twitter has serious problems, these documents are out there and it's difficult to not feel that behind the scenes the company has been seriously compromised.
TechCrunch have already begun releasing information including details from Through Eyes Productions that outlines the idea for a reality television show called Final Tweet. Twitter have since responded to state that user accounts have not been compromised and that this was not a hack on the Twitter service, it was a personal attack followed by the theft of private company documents -
We are in touch with our legal counsel about what this theft means for Twitter, the hacker, and anyone who accepts and subsequently shares or publishes these stolen documents. We're not sure yet exactly what the implications are for folks who choose to get involved at this point but when we learn more and are able to share more, we will.Nothing is secure on the Internet, and this highlights that employees that communicate and send confidential/sensitive information on cloud-based e-mail need to be vigilant. Web applications and cloud computing services need to definitely embrace better security measures before they become more widely adopted!