Image by ihtatho via FlickrPicture the scenario, I'm employed by the largest financial services provider globally and to celebrate the year and the festive period we have our annual Christmas Party. All regions and employees associated with our business software, website, guidance and subscription-based services were in attendance. Everyone had gathered around the customer service department eagerly anticipating the speech from the Managing Director. The speech usually summarises the progress we have made as a company, highlights our achievements and sets the tone for the Christmas Party proceedings! Plus the entire company are presented with a gift to show appreciation for our efforts. We prepared for the speech and the organised activities ahead by introducing Smirnoff Vodka to the afternoon. It was the music that defined the whole afternoon though because the playlist really set the tempo. Featuring the latest Drum & Bass including the new single from Sub Focus, the Miike Snow Black & Blue (Netsky remix) and Zed Bias Neighbourhood 09 (Logistics Remix). It set the tone for what would become a memorable night...