Image by william_hines via Flickr
Arrived at KOKO and without printed proof of the tickets I had purchased I had to provide confirmation through GMail. The ever important accessory, the iPhone enabling entry to night clubs since 2008. Inside the atmosphere was inspiring and everyone appeared in high spirits. Christmas has that affect on people it seems! After the live performances, the majority of the evening becomes vague! Managed to acquire a 'festive card' from and a considerable amount of advertisement material before attempting to obtain directions to Narnia. Wasn't happening! Eventually arrived at Charing Cross and decided to indulge in the finest cuisine. It's not a miracle we needed but McDonalds wouldn't let us think so..
Then the inevitable twist, predictable although not always understood because first you set the scene and then the mood. We salute the relevance of Sebastian in these intriguing circumstances! The scene culminated the evening for many participants, whilst the incoherence combined with the finest Swedish import since ABBA gained international popularity created an emphatic finale! Garçon, could we have the desert menu please? Unfortunately, this proved ineffective in the establishment and we were escorted from the premises once another group began to reminisce to the Ke$ha anthem. As we absconded I found a small room which presented an opportunity but then after a potential situation we headed to our awaiting chariot. ABBA sounded in the distance but as morning approached the noise turned to the melody of sheep and we were asleep...