Image by willposh via Flickr
The context of this post has become a familiar feature to start proceedings for another year. I could have even used the opening sentences of the previous year because it has relevance. I'm optimistic for 2010 because although I don't believe in resolutions and clean slates, I feel that there will be many opportunities. Today passed without anything significant occurring, I expect that when I begin back properly next week that the pressure will start to mount on performance and expectation. Lately I have been slack with the amount I have published to this blog and that's been a disappointment. I can't really use Christmas as an excuse but there were factors that preoccupied my time for the duration. The objective is to continue to write about interests and I hope this will lead to progression although everyone appears to be a blogger/microblogger so this will be a challenging venture. Anyway, today was a good day!