I had a chance encounter with Nick Grimshaw at the Urban Outfitters in Oxford Street yesterday. I was there for an interview and decided to browse stores afterwards and he appeared on the scene. I had a similar situation with Alex Turner from the Arctic Monkeys last year, I passed him in Shoreditch and I refer to this as there must be a standard protocol with celebrities. If any unwanted attention is received use your mobile phone as cover! I wonder how many times daily they have to implement this procedure. These people look like they recognise me so I'm reaching for my handset to defuse any confrontation. Admittedly on both occasions the hairstyle of choice has been based on the before mentioned celebrities appearance so probably a factor. I have friends that have quite an appetite for Nick Grimshaw's and wanted to capture the moment but he had other ideas.
Several hours passed and I received the news that I hadn't been successful for the position that I had applied. I was disappointed as I felt that the interview went very well and it was a position that I knew I would enjoy because it was social media focused. I also found out that I wouldn't be entertaining my children this weekend.
London beckoned but it wasn't songs about money, instead Elephant & Castle was the destination for a nautical themed adventure. The Coronet Theatre hosted Together Season One - Week 3, featuring Reverend and The Makers, The Maccabees, Golden Silvers, Mumford And Sons, The Invisible, Beans on Toast, Daisy Dares You, King Charles, Queens of Noize, Josh Weller, Gaggle, BABE SHADOW, Merok Records, Nick Grimshaw and Smash DJs.
The organisation wasn't exactly the greatest but we were eventually on the train, vodka, energy and drinking games for the journey. This involved multiple choice questions about topics from the magazines discarded around our seating area. David Haye became a popular topic and our friend made the journey with questions about the boxer, I now feel that I know more about David Haye than many of his close friends and family members! We arrived at the venue early and having made our intentions clear on the dance floor, the stage was set for a memorable night.
Ahoy Radio 1's elusive Nick Grimshaw, he may have avoided any attempt at an introduction earlier but wasn't going to happen again. Although after this latest effort I'm expecting a restraining order in the post as I almost pulled him down the stairs.
There were inflatable Finding Nemo's and Seagulls in the venue, I made these a primary objective and the tilllate.com cameraman was clearly impressed with our enthusiasm. There was quite a crowd at this point and we divided our time between the two main rooms. Gaggle and Nick Grimshaw's DJ set were definitely eventful!! Will Young enjoyed himself too much, it became severely distorted for everyone though; fuelled by alcohol, face paint and Barn dancing. Although Nick Grimshaw disappeared from the showpiece, his group remained and Henry Holland reciprocated our advances. With our expanded party of revellers, I was later informed that Orlando from the Maccabees had joined in with our antics. At this point and with the evening almost reaching conclusion I attempted to gatecrash the area occupied by Mumford & Sons. I succeeded and although I wanted to request Galway Girl (P.S I Love You) I became too intrigued by a remote projector and participated in projecting this onto everyones clothing! I didn't get the request fulfilled but I managed to dance with my partner until our feet hurt. Another amazing night and still had change for the bus journey home...
Several hours passed and I received the news that I hadn't been successful for the position that I had applied. I was disappointed as I felt that the interview went very well and it was a position that I knew I would enjoy because it was social media focused. I also found out that I wouldn't be entertaining my children this weekend.
London beckoned but it wasn't songs about money, instead Elephant & Castle was the destination for a nautical themed adventure. The Coronet Theatre hosted Together Season One - Week 3, featuring Reverend and The Makers, The Maccabees, Golden Silvers, Mumford And Sons, The Invisible, Beans on Toast, Daisy Dares You, King Charles, Queens of Noize, Josh Weller, Gaggle, BABE SHADOW, Merok Records, Nick Grimshaw and Smash DJs.
The organisation wasn't exactly the greatest but we were eventually on the train, vodka, energy and drinking games for the journey. This involved multiple choice questions about topics from the magazines discarded around our seating area. David Haye became a popular topic and our friend made the journey with questions about the boxer, I now feel that I know more about David Haye than many of his close friends and family members! We arrived at the venue early and having made our intentions clear on the dance floor, the stage was set for a memorable night.
Ahoy Radio 1's elusive Nick Grimshaw, he may have avoided any attempt at an introduction earlier but wasn't going to happen again. Although after this latest effort I'm expecting a restraining order in the post as I almost pulled him down the stairs.
There were inflatable Finding Nemo's and Seagulls in the venue, I made these a primary objective and the tilllate.com cameraman was clearly impressed with our enthusiasm. There was quite a crowd at this point and we divided our time between the two main rooms. Gaggle and Nick Grimshaw's DJ set were definitely eventful!! Will Young enjoyed himself too much, it became severely distorted for everyone though; fuelled by alcohol, face paint and Barn dancing. Although Nick Grimshaw disappeared from the showpiece, his group remained and Henry Holland reciprocated our advances. With our expanded party of revellers, I was later informed that Orlando from the Maccabees had joined in with our antics. At this point and with the evening almost reaching conclusion I attempted to gatecrash the area occupied by Mumford & Sons. I succeeded and although I wanted to request Galway Girl (P.S I Love You) I became too intrigued by a remote projector and participated in projecting this onto everyones clothing! I didn't get the request fulfilled but I managed to dance with my partner until our feet hurt. Another amazing night and still had change for the bus journey home...