According to online sources the 30th birthday in today’s world is often around the time when people start thinking of calming down. I'm sure that the majority of my friends have other ideas. Personally it's not the age that concerns me but the responsibility! There are several milestones in April but yesterday represented a celebration of my friend. He's a good friend, and been involved in my life for many years. He could potentially be best man, when I eventually get married but he needs to avoid eating cardboard. No!! Anyway, the celebration was for his 30th birthday and a family funtion room had been hired to host the occasion. I was obviously the focus for banter here! I'm used to the comments now though to be fair.. The night was great fun, it was good to see so many of my friends and also along with the jokes some touching things were said about my new relationship. This though is just a build up for the Easter Weekend which looks to reach new standards..