You are my mountain, you are my seaThe song Mountains made its studio debut on Zane Lowe’s Radio 1 show in the UK on Friday June 19, 2008 as The Hottest Record in the World Today. The above quote has been used the most since the introduction to my partner that weekend in Newcastle. Music plays an important role in history, everyday life and relationships. Like Nick and Norah we share a love of music, hunt for elusive bands and search for drunk friends. Today, after months of borrowed identification, anxious queues and sheer determination; she has reached her eighteenth birthday!
The celebrations started yesterday at a party for her friend who shares the same birth date. Her family had hired a hall for the occasion and friends and relatives were there for the night. They also prepared a cake for my partner which I thought was a nice gesture. As the clock struck midnight everyone wanted to continue with the celebrations and we travelled to Dartford for what I can only refer to as a mistake. I used to regularly spend weekends here but an evening with Kano and the Tribal Skank were too much. We had a laugh though which is the most important! After a brief tour of friends houses, I returned home with my partner and provided the gifts and birthday card I had prepared! Everything was well received and I only wish that I could have provided more. Today is the one, rendezvous, family party and then Camden Town... (to be continued..)