Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Sign Here Please

Job Centre no moreImage by Mickal via Flickr
I still feel that visiting the dole office is a grim and belittling experience. I have resisted signing on for those reasons but today I went to the Job Centre. It wasn't an enjoyable process but it was necessary because it provides a basic income (jobseekers allowance) and options to find employment. I have been ignorant because I believed that I needed to wait six months before I could register unemployed but that wasn't the case. I would advise anyone who isn't employed or working the required hours to contact the Job Centre because they're there to assist! When the government announce updated statistics on unemployment they will be referring to my current situation. On a positive note the advisor hoped that with their assistance I would find work within thirteen weeks. Although I have been unfortunate finding employment, I'm kind of a big deal in the competitions I have entered! Yesterday I won tickets to the Isle of Wight festival, today after I had spent the majority of the afternoon organising transportation to the Isle of Wight, I won tickets to Beach Break Live which takes place in Pembery Country Park, South Wales. Unfortunately I had to decline the offer but I was tempted! Let's see what tomorrow brings...

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