I believed that I had finally secured work, after months of applications, telephone conversations and interviews I had been accepted. That was until the start of this week, I received a telephone call that the Managing Director wanted to conduct a second interview. After being informed that I had the position and told that I would start on the 2nd August, this wasn't good! I anticipated the inevitable but decided that I would travel there and hear the outcome. I suspected that as I write about everything on this blog, that they had read about my intention to start higher education in September!
I have made a commitment to university but that doesn't mean that I can't change my mind. Anyway, shortly before the interview started, I received a comment about my hairstyle. The observation being that I change hairstyle frequently, the source being the Daily Mugshot widget embedded on this blog. This meant that they had obviously browsed the content available and had constructed an opinion. Needless to say that the interview finished with the outcome being that I didn't got the job, based on experience and limited knowledge of pay-per-click advertising. Maybe I will get a third interview?!