Trying to plan anything is a challenge; location, time, attendees and frequently I find that dates clash for different things that I plan to do. For instance yesterday, I received two surprise birthday invitations and several friends wanted to meet locally for a night out. Achievable? Definitely, I intended to participate in each event, although the 'surprise' for the birthday's was scheduled at the same time so I had to make a decision. Another factor was that one party was fancy dress, I decided against Spiderman and Captain Jack Sparrow, opting instead for the Geek! Heading to the first party, I left the house and climbed into the car, quite what the neighbours found so comical I didn't understand. Whilst driving to the first location, I passed a young child, he clasped his hands together, forming a gun gesture and pointed in my direction. Feeling disappointed by the reaction, I was relieved to arrive at the location for the party and receive several compliments. What do neighbours and small children know anyway! The surprise was emphatic, the breathtaking moment captured by my brother on his camera. The party was enjoyable but with an eye on the clock I had to depart for the second birthday. Already in full swing, the Ninja Turtle setting an unbelievable tempo that unfortunately no one could surpass. I spoke to a few people about university and prospects for the next few years, 'you're so crazy' was the response! Glorious, I may as well have been riding a unicycle and performing a circus act! There was an encouraging reaction from several friends, many wanting to participate in the night life. Get involved! When the night ended the Ninja Turtle collapsed on a table and I headed onwards for the final act. Unfortunately this didn't materialise, instead I travelled home to browse other fancy dress concepts. Hit Girl (Kick-Ass) will almost certainly be considered...