Propaganda, Leeds was the destination yesterday, we were very enthusiastic after last weeks excitement, having decorated the accommodation for freeee with 'souvenirs'. The pre-drinks was coupled with an introduction to duct tape featuring the word 'fragile', which was originally purchased to package a video camera that I had sold on eBay. We decorated ourselves with the tape, adorning ourselves with several intricate creations, this was short lived as the O2 Academy security team weren't impressed, they're like the Gestapo and frown at anything that could be interpreted as fun. We removed our creation but like Gollum, protecting the 'ring' from the hobbits we managed to sneak the duct tape into the venue. This became more than just the theme for the duration of the evening, it became an obsession. Everyone that came into close proximity, ended departing from our radar with the word fragile slapped across their back! It was entertaining, it was enjoyable and even when the tape was eventually taken by the security staff they still managed to walk away with 'fragile' slapped across their back. Oh, the joys of being a student!!