Late nights and early rises, having been in this circle for more than a decade you would expect it to get easier but it doesn't. It's reassuring to see the 'hanging' status updates, at least I'm not the only one struggling! It starts with a quiet night, attempting to resist temptation, before you realise it's escalated and then you're in recovery mode. It's the same in every environment, a glance around the office, workplace or lecture room the following morning to see who's also struggling and a nod of acknowledgment. I know what you're going through, I feel your pain! I had work for Voodoo yesterday evening, I managed to shift a reasonable amount of tickets the previous week and I was awarded with three hours walking about in the cold! There's appreciation, although this is a Voodoo ritual, basically do well and you will be awarded with additional work based on performance. I had to approach people and pitch the night to them and attempt to get them interested with an event flyer! It was okay, and allowed me to interact with other workers that I hadn't met before. Afterwards there were drinks provided, I stayed for a while but then remembered university and headed home to make plans for going home to celebrate my daughters birthday. I still have to pinch myself to believe that I have been a parent for a decade!!