During lectures this week, other than being acknowledged as one of the oldest students on the course, many believe I'm the most intelligent and well established. The amount I write in my notepad has been noticed by quite a few students on my course and obviously discussed. Speaking to someone this afternoon, she stated that the perception is that I'm smart and have an understanding of the expectations required. This couldn't be further from the truth, I admit I have a firm grasp of writing but I take notes because without them I wouldn't have anything to refer to when writing essays and preparing for presentations. When writing for this blog, I incorporate a wide range of interpretations using various forms of media to relate scenarios that I encounter during everyday life. I really like the movie Good Will Hunting and this afternoon the bar scene entered my conscious thought. Not the main encounter, which is one of my favourite movie scenes, but the one where Will bangs on the window and states "...how do you like them apples?" I felt that was relevent as I had a sense of achievement, even though it was just being recognised by peers! Hopefully the teachers will be equally charmed by the effort I put into my shooting star decorated notepad, it looks great and makes me bright!