A slow start to the day, which was expected following an entertaining night. There were a few people out and I'm sure that the photos will provide an interesting portrayal of what went down. Was anyone even keeping count? Our biggest kept secret was uncovered, and with alcohol involved in the equation there were a few tears. Not that it was a problem but at times I wish more people knew, then I might be able to get closer to reaching closure. Today I had a meeting in the library about a presentation that I'm working on for Media Studies. I really couldn't be bothered, especially as I hadn't had much sleep but I arrived early and produced a document that was almost sensational. I actually feel settled into university now, I have days when I feel like withdrawing because I miss the children and student poverty takes it's toll but I convince myself that doesn't set the right example. Funds have improved over the last few days as I sold an iPhone that has been burning a hole in my pocket. I attempted to spend a significant amount on costumes for Halloween but then realised that was a bad idea! This meant that the journey to Newcastle this weekend is much more appealing because I have money to spend. The long awaited reunion, excitement levels are peaking because last year was when I was first introduced to my partner and that led onto an amazing twelve months. The usual faces will be there, although sadly the previous years biggest casualty won't be making a guest appearance. It should be a decent week because the 'after party' is taking place in Leeds for the following weekend!