I didn't mind because I was still wrapping presents then anyway! Driving around isn't exactly a challenge but to the people walking in the road to avoid the ice, you are NOT in a car!
Sadly I didn't get vajazzle for Christmas, I was obviously really disappointed but I was satisfied with what I did receive from everyone regardless. Especially the presents from my girlfriend, one of which was a book, like the one featured in the movie Up, containing many of her favourite moments we have shared this past year! I also received gifts from The Gorillaz and The Klaxons, both releasing free material to mark the occasion.
Arrangements with my children's mother are always complex and the outcome was frustrating, especially as both children were clearly over the events of the day and burnt out when they arrived at mine. My son tore through the presents with minimal interest, although the potato gun I purchased appeared to be popular! Least I will get to spend the duration with them tomorrow..