At the start of the semester, I registered interest in working for Leeds Met Students' Union and Leeds Metropolitan University. They were seeking outgoing, capable and committed students per Faculty to become Faculty Student Academic Representatives (STARs) for the year 2010/11. I haven't had to do too much, but this week I was required to participate in an annual review as part of a Student Focus Group. It was interesting and I was able to put forward suggestions and feedback. Earlier in the semester I created a Facebook Group for everyone on my course, this has proved to be essential in generating discussion and understanding everyone's views. I also wanted to be able to arrange nights out, but that aspect hasn't been successful! University, I felt would be about continually meeting new people, but it seems that most are content with who they know. Maybe I'm not cool enough though! Writing this post about Student Academic Representatives (STARs), I have learnt that there's a cash incentive involved which adds to the appeal of contributing as a figurehead of the course.