Entering the O2 Academy Leeds yesterday, it was clear that most in attendance were the younger side of 16. That struck a chord before a note had even been played because I was so much older than the majority. We were there to exit flyer the event and to watch performances from All Time Low, Yellowcard and Young Guns! I'm not sure that many fans were old enough to attend the night we were promoting but who's to judge. Young Guns set the bar with their opening set, closing by informing fans that they would be returning to the studio to record their second album. Yellowcard were next, and they were the band that we were there to experience. They didn't disappoint either as their set delivered and raised the bar even higher, with their acoustic guitars and violin which sounded amazing in the O2 Academy. The young crowd were enthusiastic, moshing and jumping into each other like a swarm. We didn't get to experience much of All Time Low because we had to move on but the night was really enjoyable. Seriously need to up the attendance at gigs and festivals as since moving to Leeds we haven't been to as many as I would have expected. This evening watching The Nines we have learnt that Koalas are telepathic and that we weren't going to be setting any records with the poor amount of pancakes we consumed..